
300 Years of Hakka Kung Fu

2016 Hong Kong, China
Cocurators: Jeffrey Shaw, Sarah Kenderdine, Hing Chao

    In collaboration with the International Guoshu Association Hong Kong, this project undertakes extensive data capture (MOCAP and spherical video recording) to document this form of intangible cultural heritage and thereby creates a unique digital Hung Kuen archive. Continuing the success of the exhibition ’300 Years of Hakka Kungfu’ at Hong Kong Heritage Museum in September 2016, the exhibition was presented at CityU from October through January 2017. The exhibition merges technology into creativity and cultural heritage itself by digital means, highlighting the value of the martial arts and their historical context, and by pioneering a fresh way of presenting martial arts.


    Spirit of the Unicorn, Video documentation of Unicorn dance, 3:02
    Credits: Fu Tin Song, Wong Tung Ming, Nan Kai Ho, Nan Tak Wai, Fu Wai Hay

    Misty Mountains, Video, 1:15
    Credits: Tang Ming Tung

    Masters' Archive
    Inspired by the Chinese medicine cabinet, photographer Tang Ming Tung's remarkable portraits of 12 kung fu masters are re-interpreted and re-presented by Howard Cheng as an archival sculpture.
    Credits: Installation - Chilai Howard Cheng; Photography - Tang Ming Tung; 

    Holograms of Hakka Styles
    In this ‘Pepper’s ghost’ installation, holographic illusions bring to life the three-dimensional presence and performances of eminent Hakka kung fu masters.
    Credits: More Than That Culture Ltd.

    Kung Fu Weapons Archive
    Kung Fu Weapons Archive provides a panorama of Hakka kung fu weapons and training tools, as well as interactively located video demonstrations of their use by kung fu masters.

    Kung Fu Visualization
    Motion capture (MOCAP) is a vitally important technique to digitally record, analyse and archive the intricate dynamics of kung fu performances. This Re-ACTOR installation shows these motion-captures in 3D from six different points of view.

    Hakka Kung Fu Motion Visualization
    In this video work by Tobias Gremmler, motion graphics is used to provide an artistic interpretation of these motion-captured recordings of Hakka kung fu masters, providing new insight and beauty to their movements.
    Credits: Tobias Gremmler

    The Kung fu Studio
    Panoramic visual and audio reproduction of the Chow Gar Preying Mantis Master Ip Shui’s School in Kowloon City.
    Credits: John Choy, Robert Ellis-Geiger.

    From Rural to Urban
    Video Documentary on the "Rural", "Itinerant", and "Urban" traditions of Hakka kung fu.
    Credits: Hing Chao, Cwing Lee

    Become a Kung Fu Master!, Pose Matching Installation
    This "pose matching" installation is a video game where viewers try to position their own body to match the poses provided by a kung fu performer. Sensors "motion capture" the movement and body position of the viewer and compare these with the graphical postures presented on a video screen.

    Exhibition Record

    2016/09/02 - 09/30

    Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong, China

    2016/10/28 - 2017/02/28

    Academic 3, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China